
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Software Training

Softskill Training

Hari ni aku belajar how to handle a project. Whether it is a small one or complex one. You have to manage it well and make sure it is according to the right pace. Activity yang paling extreme sekali bagi aku hari ini, time kena buat projek:
"Design a fund raising campaign for an orphanage. You are given 2 months and a budget of RM20K. Your goal is to raise RM50K."

Ha,nah ambik kau sebijik! Dengan kudrat otak yang ada dekat 6 orang ni, kitorang pun buat je la apa yang kitorang rasa relevant dengan soalan tu. First of all, kitorang buat draft dulu for Breakdown Structure. Yang mana, our first Module Name was Fund Raising Campaign.
Lepas tu, dah siap utk diagram yang pertama tu, kena buat pulak Gantt Chart.
Yang ni memang haru-haru(p/s:sorry Big Bang, I'm borrowing your famous song's lyric)..hahaha..macam la Big Bang follows blog aku ni.
This is the second last part of it. Develop our finance, to be more specific, the cashflow for the project. Yang ni dah macam akaun. Aku yang ex-student in Sains Tulen mmg x amik la subjek Akaun ni sebab Subjek tambahan aku dulu Tasawwur Islam. So, main bantai je r!

The last part of it was the presentation to the CEO. Guess who?? It's Sir Kumaran form CGskill. Our trainer. My team was the 3rd to be presented and aku yang start cakap dulu. Present punye present sampai aku makan part kawan aku. Hahahah. Tu la lain kali jangan bagi aku cakap dulu. Aku ni kalau dah speaking memang lupa diri kejap. Overall, aku paling suka part yang aku sebut "our modus operandi is by helding a corporate dinner". Sir Kumar suka gila bila aku sebut this words.

The lessons that I learned today were, don't depend so much on others. Be independent and be someone who can be relied on, but not to be someone who easily be fooled around. Be matured and think out of the box. Plus, I hate this kind of attitude; laziness,shyness(to learn,ask) and speak too much but doing nothing!

Thanks Sir! I learned a lot from you.

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